Podcasts and presentations, by Backdoor Broadcasting Company -
Welcome (MP3)
- Doug Rae, Associate Dean of School of Social Sciences
- Dr Matthew Feldman, Director of the Radicalism and New Media Group
Keynote Talk: Gerry Gable (MA Crim.), Searchlight Magazine
‘Confronting Right-Wing Extremism in a Western Democracy’
Panel 1: New Media and the Resurgent British Fascism (Chair: Matthew Feldman)
- Dr Paul Jackson, University of Northampton: ‘The English Defence League and Far-Right Politics’
- Trevor Preston, University of Northampton: ‘From Billboard to Broadband: Cyber-Terrorism and the Extreme Right Wing’
- Benedict Addis, HP Labs: ‘Covert communities: How the Internet Fosters Extremism’
Panel 2: New Media and European Fascisms (Chair: Paul Jackson)
- Dr Matthew Feldman, University of Northampton: ‘Universal Nazism in Britain: The Case of the Aryan Strike Force’
- Dr Anna Castriota, University of Cardiff: ‘Julius Evola on the Web: The Fascist Ideal of “Europe as Aryanland”’
- Dr Anton Shekhovtsov, University of Northampton: ‘Far-Right Music in Europe: Songs of Hate and Devotion’
Panel 3: Practitioners on the Far-Right (Chair: Paul Jackson)
- East Midlands Community Contact Unit: ‘Experiences of a Regional Intervention Unit in Addressing Violent Extremism’
- Durham Constabulary: ‘Operation CONSTELLATION – The Right Wing Threat’
Concluding Discussion and Closing Remarks (Chair: Matthew Feldman) (MP3)